Wednesday, October 18, 2017

No School Saturday

On Saturday, a day of NO SCHOOL, I spend that perfect day playing with my cute dog, Coco. Coco can be a funny name but don't make fun of it because my big brother makes fun of her. It makes me feel bad because Coco has feelings too.

This is Coco, my dog.

I have been trying to train her to do tricks.We were outside  playing together and I gave her a treat and told her to sit but she was running and wagging her tail. I told her to sit but she did a cool trick and I gave her the treat. She is an amazing dog and can be lazy sometimes. Coco is the only dog I can play with and she has a BEAUTIFULLY colored fur and CUTE eyes. Coco and I play games but she is afraid of loud noises. My dog helps me get the rope to make a swing of our own. I will never want to let her go even when I get old. Coco is the greatest  dog I could have.